Beyond Meat, Inc.

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Beyond Meat, Inc.” に対して5,747件のコメントがあります。

  1. Nicotiana より:

    While a range of carnivorous plants are known across the plant kingdom, this is the first wild tobacco plant discovered to kill insects. Dubbed Nicotiana insecticida, it was uncovered by a project looking for tobacco plants across Australia.The team, which included Mark Chase.

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  3. Germany より:

    physical science of climate change, in a report approved by 195 countries. Here are 13 things we learned from the 4000-page Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, about 3000 pages of which are simply a list of citations for the 14,000 scientific papers assessed.

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  4. Climate より:

    Somewhat unique is that they capture insects with inflorescences,” says Gerhard Gebauer at the University of Bayreuth in Germany. “Most carnivorous plants capture insects with their leaves so this is unexpected in a certain way.Gebauer had previously suspected that plants within

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  5. Qianshi より:

    The researchers decided to look at T. occidentalis after previous research found the plant had lost genes that were also missing in carnivorous plants. They examined the concentration of nitrogen within the plant and found it comparable to carnivorous plants, suggesting it could be acquiring the nitrogen from insects.

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  6. Spotted より:

    Now Qianshi Lin and her colleagues at the University of British Columbia in Canada have demonstrated that a small flowering plant called Triantha occidentalis is also a meat-eater.“It is not just another species of known carnivorous plants,” says Lin. “This is a totally new group of carnivorous plants.”

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  7. Somewhat より:

    A plant that grows in bogs along the west coast of North America has been spotted using its flowers to eat insects. Until now, researchers had no idea it was carnivorous.Carnivorous plants absorb nutrients from insects and sometimes vertebrates. Before now, there were 11 known groups of such plants

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  9. concentrations より:

    Those consequences include more extreme heat, heavier and more variable rainfall of the kind that caused floods recently in Germany, plus more snow loss and permafrost thaw. to be ice-free in summer further endangering polar bears and speeding up warming as less of the sun’s energy is reflected back to space.

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  10. emissions より:

    However, the good news is the most ambitious scenario, with emissions cut to net zero and removed from the atmosphere, would see warming later fall back to 1.4°C by 2100. “The 1.5°C or 2°C goals, they are not cliff edges,” says Ed Hawkins of the University of Reading, UK, an author on the IPCC report.

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  11. Researchers より:

    In the worst of five scenarios detailing how future global emissions may play out, the world faces a catastrophic 4.4°C average temperature rise by 2100, the IPCC concluded. Under all five scenarios warming reaches or exceed the 1.5°C goal of the 2015 Paris Agreement, which also set a weaker goal of holding warming

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  12. floodsrecently より:

    Researchers said each of the last four decades has been successively warmer than any decade since 1850, and warned of more extreme weather if emissions are not checked. This year has already seen deadly floods and heatwaves, from Canada to China. “Climate change is not a problem of the future

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  13. Intergovernmenta より:

    Earth will unavoidably hit the critical threshold of 1.5°C warming due to climate change within the next 20 years, regardless of how radically global governments cut greenhouse gas emissions, a landmark scientific report has projected. 195 countries on 6 August and published today, the Intergovernmental Panel

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  15. concentrations より:

    Over hundreds of metres of strata, it seems that the only layers that are demonstrably lacustrine [formed in a lake] are the lower few metres,” says Michalski. “Of the rocks visited by the rover… the fraction that is demonstrably lacustrine is something like 1 per cent.”These rocks were mostly in the lowest few metres.

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  16. researchers より:

    Instead, they analysed the concentrations of various compounds that are expected to change based on different types of weathering over time. They found that some of the layers of rock Curiosity examined did interact with water at some point in their past, but more are likely to have formed outside of the water.

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  17. Previous より:

    Previous analyses of data from Curiosity have relied heavily on a measure called the chemical index of alteration to determine how. Joseph Michalski at the University of Hong Kong and his colleagues have suggested that because this measure was developed for use on Earth, it may not be valid in the extreme Martian climate.

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  18. Michalski より:

    A purported ancient lake on Mars may have been far smaller than researchers thought. NASA’s Curiosity rover has been exploring Gale crater for more than eight years, and while early observations suggested the entire crater may once have been filled with water, a new analysis implies that it just had a series of ponds instead.
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  19. Instead より:

    Since 2015 Aldo Faisal at Imperial College London and his colleagues have been developing a robotic “third thumb” that straps to a user’s hand next to the little finger. The thumb is controlled by the wearer via electrical signals from wiggling their foot.The researchers have device to see if it is helpful for activities.

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  21. United より:

    When the samples were retrieved after travelling 200 kilometres – from the University of Tokyo to the University of Yamanashi – over the course of two days, the researchers could use the sperm to produce healthy mice. means that there is potential for misuse, including the illegal transport of genetic material.

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  22. Researchers より:

    The researchers thought that an alternative might be to freeze-dry sperm onto a surface and send it through the standard mail. materials, including filter paper and vinyl sheets, the team discovered that weighing paper – a form of paper used to hold samples being weighed in scientific analyses – was the best option.

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  23. Tracked より:

    Sperm is often transported nationally and internationally, but the glass vials typically used for transport are vulnerable to breaking in transit. University of Yamanashi in Japan has now come up with a way to deliver of sample loss. The method involves placing sperm on a sheet of paper and popping it in the post.

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  24. Argentina より:

    Leuzinger at the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina and her colleagues studied stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in 71 titanosaur eggshells and a tooth, all unearthed from three fossilised nesting sites in Argentina. The fossils are between 66 million and 100 million years old.Food and water contain carbon

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  25. Between より:

    Using data from a measurement app called Cuebiq, which tracked users using the global positioning system (GPS) signal on their phone for 16 hours a day between January and September 2020, researchers in Italy and the United States analysed people’s Covid-19 lockdowns and the number.

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  26. Encouraging より:

    He and colleagues believe that the evidence of that strong field is actually due to moon rocks having been magnetised by the shock of asteroid impacts. They found that other Apollo-era rock samples from different lunar locations show no sign of such a field.His team analysed a glass-like sample of moon

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  27. processed より:

    Fresh analysis of moon rocks collected byJohn Tarduno at the University of Rochester says that discovering evidence of a strong magnetic field in rocks after the Apollo missions was a surprise, because the moon was not large enough to power it. magnetic field if you have no way to power it?

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  28. ์Norming より:

    We need carrots as well as sticks when seeking to address the UK’s [obesity-generating] food environment,” says Stuart Gillespie at the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington DC. “But when it comes to big food, the stick – in the form of a government-mandated tax – is far more effective.

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  29. supermarkets より:

    Over the years, Public Health England, a government agency, has set voluntary targets for reducing the calories, sugar and salt content of processed foods sold in the country. The voluntary targets were set in the hopes to change the nutritional content of their products rather than forcing reformulations.

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  30. Government より:

    Encouraging food manufacturers to voluntarily reduce the calories, sugar or salt content of their products doesn’t work. That’s according to an analysis of changes in the nutritional content of food and drinks sold in English supermarkets between 2015 and 2018. encouraging manufacturers

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  32. assumption より:

    THE assumption that Black people have a lower level of cognitive function than white people was, until recently, built into a formula used by the US National Football League to settle head injury lawsuits. The NFL has now pledged to stop using this “race-norming” formula, in routine diagnostic tests remain pervasive.

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  33. race-norming より:

    Greenpeace campaigners aboard their ship, the Sea Beaver, are crowded around a screen showing a trawler sitting on the edge of the Bassurelle Sandbank, a marine protected area in the Channel between England and France. The ship is licensed for an especially destructive type of fishing that has grown rapidly in the last year.

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  34. discovery より:

    A unique phase of matter called a time crystal, which can in theory flip between two states forever with no energy input necessary has been created inside a quantum computer built by Google. The discovery is one of the first real-world problems solved by a quantum computer, and could also be harnessed to improve them.

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  35. Greenpeace より:

    Unlike most other arachnids, harvestmen have changed little during their evolution and their genome architecture may resemble relatively closely that of the oldest arachnids that lived more than 400 million years ago. That makes them ideal models for studying arachnid genetics, says research team member .

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  36. makes より:

    Harvestmen are arachnids, but they aren’t spiders: they instead belong to a closely related group called the opiliones. They have 8 extraordinarily long legs that can measure up to 28 times their body length, and they can bend the tips of them to wrap around and grasp objects.

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  37. Beaver より:

    Black holes with “hair” will quickly go bald. A key theoretical prediction about black holes called the no-hair theorem states that an isolated black hole can be described by just three numbers – its mass, spin and charge – and any other properties, or “hair”, are irrelevant.

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  38. vessel より:

    Olympics were originally scheduled for 2020 but were postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. But the Olympics are now taking place at a time when the country’s coronavirus situation is worse than it was the previous year, according to data on cases.Tokyo saw a sharp rise in covid-19 .

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  39. Greenpeace より:

    Tokyo is seeing a record-breaking rise in covid-19 cases as thousands of athletes and coaches fly in from around the world for the postponed 2020 Olympic games. But Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga denies any link between the event and the surging number of infections.

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  40. campaigners より:

    The vessel is the latest in the sights of the campaigners. They have spent the past few months off the English south coast to document and deter examples of industrial fishing in England’s 178 marine protected areas (MPAs), which are meant to relieve pressure on marine .

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  41. Tokyo より:

    Greenpeace campaigners aboard their ship, the Sea Beaver, are crowded around a screen showing a trawler sitting on the edge of the Bassurelle Sandbank, a marine protected area in the Channel between England and France. especially destructive type of fishing that has grown rapidly in the last year.

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  42. Statement より:

    Data from 1 February to 11 July this year reveals that, out of 742 pregnant women admitted with covid-19 symptoms during this period, only four had received a single dose of a covid-19 vaccine and none were fully vaccinated. pregnant women hospitalised with covid-19 during this period were unvaccinated.

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  43. Cankeepyou より:

    Miles Padgett at the University of Glasgow, UK, and his colleagues have developed a system several orders of magnitude smaller than pre-existing cameras based on fibre-optic cable. The system uses a cable that is 40 centimetres long and 50 micrometres in diameter. It can take 3D pictures of objects up to 2.5 metres away.

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  44. Anmissions より:

    Wearable electronic devices, such as earphones and smartwatches, are currently paired to smartphones and similar tech through a secure Bluetooth or near-field communication (NFC) link – but they could also soon be paired securely by the way you breathe. Cleveland State University.

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  45. Reminder より:

    Secret underwater messages could be camouflaged as the clicks and whistles of whale or dolphin calls, fooling eavesdroppers by making them believe so they are usually deemed ocean noise and filtered out. This makes these animal signals a stealthy solution for communicating secretly underwater.

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  46. Dunkley より:

    A comet approaching the sun from the outer solar system might sweep a trail of dust particles over the planet Venus when it swings into the inner reaches of our planetary neighbourhood this December.On 18 December, Comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) in astronomical terms, a hair’s-breadth distance of just 4.3 million kilometres.

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  48. ooppaza より:

    New Scientist Weekly features updates and analysis on the latest developments in the covid-19 pandemic. Our podcast sees expert journalists from the magazine discuss the biggest science stories to hit the headlines each week – from technology and space, to health and the environment.

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  49. foodza より:

    Israel has started offering third doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech covid-19 vaccine to people over the age of 60, in an effort to tackle a rise in cases of the delta coronavirus variant. “Findings show that there is a decline in the body’s immunity over time.The aim of the supplementary Bennett told a news conference on 29 July.

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  50. rottana より:

    Data from 1 February to 11 July this year reveals that, out of 742 pregnant women admitted with covid-19 symptoms during this period, only four had received a single dose of a covid-19 vaccine. This means that more than 99 per cent of pregnant women hospitalised with covid-19 during this period were unvaccinated.

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